Includes Miller's horror short "The Hunted"
under the former penname M.R. Badillo
under the former penname M.R. Badillo
“A Virginia man says he killed a giant nontypical deer with a muzzleloader in Prince Edward County. Richmond residents say he poached a local legend known as the Hollywood Cemetery buck.” — Outdoor Life, December 18th, 2023
The unjustified and illegal killing of the Hollywood Cemetery Buck in late 2023 stirred Richmond's collective heart. While the Department of Wildlife Resources investigated the case (resulting in the arrest of the poacher responsible), we decided to ask our friends in Richmond's literary community to contribute to a project honoring this iconic member of our city.
The submissions we received astounded us—this tragedy inspired the creation of such beautiful and original pieces, each one a search for meaning in the chaotic debris of senseless death.
We are honored to share with you this collection of poems, stories, and images commemorating the beautiful life and grisly death of a Richmond legend.
Signed: Dustin King & Elena Malkov